Click here for definitions of each search term.ย
You can type in an officer's name, or any of the following into the search box: ย
An incident date
Officer or Investigator Name or Badge Number
Complaint Register ID Number (CRID)
Geography: Police Districts, Neighborhoods, Wards, Police Beats, Zip Codes, Communities, Public Schools, Safe Passageway
Categories: Operation/Personnel Violations, Illegal Search, Use of Force, False Arrest, Lockup Procedures, Verbal Abuse, Domestic, Traffic, Supervisory Responsibilities, Conduct Unbecoming (Off Duty), Criminal Misconduct, Conduct Unbecoming, Drug / Alcohol Abuse, Bribery / Official Corruption, First Amendment, Money / Property
Outcomes of Investigations: Unsustained, Not Sustained, Unknown, Unfounded, No Affidavit, Exonerated, No Cooperation, Discharged, Sustained, Disciplined# 1-9 Days, Reprimand, 10-30 Days, Separation, 30+ Days, Administrative Termination, No Discipline, Violation Noted, Resigned, Penalty Not Served, Unknown, Reinstated by Police Board, No Action Taken
Discipline: Reprimand, 1-9 Days, 10-30 Days, 30+ Days, Separation, Administrative Termination
No Discipline: Violation Noted, Resigned, Penalty Not Served, Unknown, Reinstated by Police Board, No Action Taken
Information available for Complaint: has:documents, has:summary, has:identified officer, has:investigator, has:address, has:location, has:map
Complainant Demographic: Race: Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Others. Gender: Male, Female, X. Age: <20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51+
Officer Demographic: Race: Black, White, Hispanic, Others. Gender: Male, Female, X. Age: 20-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51+Officer Characteristics: Unit ,Rank, Repeater (10+ Complaints), Repeater (20+ Complaints), Active, Inactive, on-duty, off-duty
Keyword Searches: search the summary abstracts of complaints provided by IPRA for any words, like "taser" or "mediation"
Miscellaneous: specific year or month, from a "FOIA" request, whether the investigaor is "IPRA" or "IAD"